This matrix-graphic I made in Down Under dreamtime Australia in 1999. It was finished Cosmic Moon 14 or 13.14. Around that time I knew only about the Dreamspell, the glyphs and tones, and I was following the 13 Moon calendar.  I couldn`t figure out what this was all about. I was staying in a remote little house in the middle of the Rainforest inside a huge ancient crater somewhere close to Mt.Warning  (Brisbane). One night in this Jungle I had an absolutely strange dream, which I recognize now as a contact from the “other side”, some sort of seed planting.  I was dreaming that I saw a light above the crater edge of the volcano, maybe a  Ufo  whatever you want to call it and I woke up by an intense high sound/tone in the middle of my head. Later I would realize that 13x14 is 182 which is half of a solar round, so I thought this could be maybe some sort of calendar. And that all those Extra-Gap days would sum up to 52 (2x26), inside the Tzolkin and outside.That was it for the next 12 years….

I would follow the 13moon calendar until around 2002, as it was and is hard to get anything in German from Arguelles and the Law of Time.  And somehow I was also disappointed as the “Big” Calendar Change was announced and didn`t happen. Besides that my experiences back in Oz where absolulely crazy too, so it felt good to life life just normal for a while. Anyway the Mayan-Stuff got a nice shadow place in a corner of my bookshelf until one year ago.

When I saw the pictures of the Japan earthquake I wrote to a friend: "Oh shit, this looks really a bit apocalyptic." So I decoded the Mayan  glyph….12 Caban ..Red Crystal Earth….Worldbridger Wavespell. From this day on began a magic journey. An invisible Timeprogramm started. Soon after my “awakening”
I I was reading the Mayan Factor again.(first in 1998) I thought wow ...possible yes...sounds logic, but the world will not believe this man. Maybe when he is dead, a "Legend" he will have a greater influence. Then Jose Arguelles left this planet.

Then I found "The Mystery Queen`s" Blog, ordered the Mystery of the Stone, the Telektonon. And some amazing syncs unfolded. Too many to mention them all and anyway synchronicity’s don`t sound good on paper. They are to get experienced. Later  I certainly ordered the whole CHC Volume – especially Book of the Cube.

Matrix was not only finished on 13.14 but also 14 Wavespells with 13 Tones fit into it. (around Tzolkin)

13.14 is TMQ`s solar birthday (10th July)

Matrix “Header” 1-9-17 the 13 Moon date Valum Votan ascended 9.17 (Solar Earth)

Matrix units around Tzolkin 182 (13x14) 1/2 of a year…. Matrix crosses 9/17….Matrix total 441+1

Combined Kin me and day 9.7+18.4=7.11 Blue Spectral Hand
Long Count = Dreamspell Kin 7.11 Blue Spectral Hand(dedication of the tomb of Pacal Votan)

Combined Kin me and TMQ 9.7+18.8= 6.2 Blue Lunar Hand (Sacred Mt. Earth)

9.7+11.11= 20.5 On 03.03.2002 VV was hounoured by 9 indigenous elders as the "Closer of the Circle"on my 27th (3x3x3) solar birthday

Telektonon Revelation p.10 As the cryptographic key to the entire prophetic cycle, Telektonon of Pacal Votan, the "The Book of seven Generations" which underlies the "Fractal Time Compression" of the 7:7::7:7, unlocks the Seven Seals of Prophecy of the Christian Revelations., and makes possible as well as the 7x4 (7:28) range of Radial Plasma. Further coded aspects in timing of the 7:7::7:7 connect to the date of it`s first transmission, Resonant Moon 21 through Resonant Moon 28 (7.21 to 7.28) of the current Yellow Overtone Seed Year. The PSI Chrono Unit for 7.21 is 7 Earth, Kin 137, located in the 17th position of the seventh or Mystic Column of the Tzolkin Matrix. In the Mayan tradition, 7 Earth, Red Resonant Earth, is referred to as the "Ah Vuc Ti Cab," or Lord seven earth.

The first transmission of the terma was happening during Moon 7 Day 21-28 Yellow Overtone Seed Year. On the 7th day of transmission was White Self Existing Mirror. 18.4 (05.Febr.1998)
2 Tzolkin Rounds "later" I finished the "Matrix Graphic" which I was working on since several days on 13.14. White Self Existing Mirror (10.July 1999)

On page 11 of this “highly esoteric and mystic” book  it is again Kin 77 Red Crystal Earth…about the completion of the 7:7::7:7…...and the day I curiously arrived on the holy Island of Patmos in the year 2007 was Kin 77 Red Crystal Earth on 18/8 (TMQ`s signature !!!) , TMQ was leading a large Crystal meeting in an 8-sided room in NZ at that time. The 7:7::7:7 is not a manual of a “Playing Cards Game”.
It is mystery and magic. VV clearly describes that he the Terton unlocked the Terma- the seven seals  of the “Book of dark prophecies” This book is also called the Apocalypse by St. John of Patmos. But these are realms we can`t fathom with our limited perceptions and minds. The information unlocked is only visible for the Terton. (I would say nearly all the book includes happened....was played out already ...f.e.09/11)

I´m aware that I might intepret too much but this prayer is from the Chilam Balan page 94:
“Father  for one day I pray and for  ten days I pray” On what day does your prayer arise?” Father on the 9th day and on the 13th day. It is to Bolon Tiku and Oxlahun Tiku that  I count my beads. You will find this also in the psychomythical story of The Mystery of the Stone when Soul talks to Backpack.

But maybe the biggest sync or mystery is the visual cube inside a matrix.
Exactly 7.5 solar rounds or 2741 days before VV had his initiation dream of the 441 Matrix. (10.07.1999-10.01.2007) Postscirpt on 17.03. 2012: When I wrote down this on Kin 182 I didn`t realize that 7.5 solar years is "Seven years and 6 and 1/2 moons" the Mystery of the Stone lastet for 7 seven years and in TMQ`s Prophecy which appeared on her computer on 11th Sept. 2004, 6 and 1/2 is a key number. 6/1/2 Moons in the 13 Moon calendar would also be the "Resonant Middle" or 7.14/15 (Resoant Moon Day 14/15 which is VV`s solar birthday) And my Dreamspell sign is - "Red Resonant Moon".

From Intergalactic Bulletin #5: Valum Votan experienced the 441 dream initiation early in the morning of Cosmic Earth, Kin 117 – the first day of the Resonant Moon, the perfect 7 days of the star sign Sirius B. As the 13th sign of the Serpent (Maldekian) wavespell, Cosmic Earth, power of cosmic navigation, is the ark that sails from Maldek to Earth by the Uranian code (196). Uranus is the planet associated with Earth, guided by the Cosmic Dragon signifying Neptunian memory birth. Kin 117 (9 x 13) signifies the mathematical code of the prophetic sign of the prophecy of Pacal Votan, long count date  So on this day the ark of Maldek was revealed and restored as the template of knowledge of timespace regenerated.

Now open Cosmic History Chronicles - Book of the Cube on page 117. Take the big number in the upper right corner, "mirror" or flip it vertically. Split in the middle and multiply. Kin 117 Red Cosmic Earth or Glyph 17 Caban: Earth, Synchronicity, Navigation and Tone 13 Cosmic........ Cosmic Navigation.

Besides that Synchronicity’s  are there  to experience the unity of totality. That everything is connected to everything else. To  experience this with the mind, as the mind is drawing the connections. We could and should also experience this with the heart as many saints and mystics did before.

But let`s get back to the matrix. I tried to match it with the Dreamspell and for this I had to "mirror" it first and I came to one starting point which is 1 Imix ( of May) On the 9th day of the new Tzolkin round is 9.9 Red Solar Moon and the Venus Transit which is exactly 441 days since Valum Votan`s  ascension. 9.9 happens on greg. 06.06.12 a cosmic joke? At the last two days of the “Mystic Column” which consists of 52 days the 21.12.2012 Crystal Hand and Cosmic Star puncture is happening.  And then again in June 2013 there are some nice galactic patterns.  Nah Chan House of the Serpent Wave….on Kin 117 VV experienced the first dream of the 441 matrix. Note that this "Sirius Calendar" is not complete yet, you could fit all the Dreamspell signs/tones, and all the other significant counts/dates like 113/144 and then whatch out for "galactic/ synchronic" patterns. The beginning of the Resoant Storm year f.e. in the upper left middle. Or the 120th anniversary of Baha`u`alla ascension an islamic Mystic and Religion founder, who`s goal was to unite all religions, at the beginning of the calendar mark some geometric patterns.

One earth year is seven Sirius Beta days. So maybe this is a Timeframe looking from Sirius to Earth. Watching Mother Earth and it`s Kins and what is happening.  And whatever happens…..time will tell. .......Everything is perfect.....All the time.

In my opinion it is not important if there is a Mayan Hu Nab Ku day on 29th Feb. or not and how it matches with the days of the gregorian week. (which we want to get rid of anyway) Thanks to a cosmic joke I`m also a calendar publisher. At least I make art- but gregorian calendars. And July 2013 has magic numbers inside. The sundays which fall on 7,14,21,28 are stressed? in all calendars. Besides that "billions" of gregorian calendars shout 2013 (13:20) from the rooftops. A calendar is a tool and not the goal. The tool from 12:60 was a linear and limited timeline, the tool of 13:20 is radial, synchronistic and simoultainiously. One goal is peace through art, the other infinite timelessness through synchronization, multidimensional time travel and the experience of super consciousness trough telepathy. Which includes a new evolutionary stage called Noosphere. Valum Votan left behind a whole bunch of “counting tools” or let`s better say syncronometers which really can change and expand our view of the world and of this universe. Which  can by practicing unlock our hidden wizard powers.  This can guide us to a new whole earth.

One of those tools is the 441-Syncronotron Matrix, which certainly fits into my 441+1 graphic above.
And Intergalactic Bulletin #1 states: “This means that in reality there is an underlying master matrix of nine in which virtually all numbers of two digits or more and their reverse frequencies can be grouped. The 3 x 3 matrix would follow the sequence of 9 – 18 -27 – 36, corresponding to the four outer time matrices, 45 -54 -63 -72  corresponding to the radial time matrices, and 81 to the inner 9th dimensional matrix. Exceptions to this rule are the self-recombinant numbers, usually factors of 11 (two digits) or factors of 37 x 3, three digits or more."

And Bulletin1#: “This Number vocabulary is but a beginning. It is not complete. Whatever you find left out you may complete yourself – but share your findings with the other students of the Synchronotron.  Synchronotron is a living system. Once we have entered it we become part of a living stream that is operating at another dimension in other world systems simultaneously.”
Also, please keep in mind that this is not public information. This information is actually a part of much larger work in progress that is being carried out by the Galactic Research Institute. So please use it only as reference for your work with the Synchronotron. Pease respect the intention with which this work is imparted to you and do not take it out of context.” Valum Votan

Certainly this is not my intention, to take it out of context. The teachings of VV and his Law of Time are so vast, Kin`s will be busy for the next  1111 years. At the same time we are overflowed by information- visible and non-visible- we have to choose from the “Web” what we give attention and what not. Besides this readable and visual information the sun`s CME`s and Plasma is bathing our Planet and DNA with evolutionary information units. 
Science has reached the point where it confirmes spiritual teachers and a multidimensional universe.

A universe which is fractally existing through and in itself and where every dimension is simoultainiously connected to every other. Those higher dimensions are here and now. And every Spiritual Teacher confirmes the sentence: "You don`t have to get enlightened, you are already." Now imagine yourself enlightened: Sat;Cit Ananda. Cosmic Counscioussness...wouldn`t you surf back the timeline and help your 3rd dimensional friend to reach that point.
The Galactic Mayans are here whatching us and guiding us and they are not seperated from us.

I choosed to share this information as advanced earth wizards may find something for them from this matrix or calendar. There is Kin`s out there who are really number specialists, they can smell numbers, which I can`t say from myself.

 Besides all counts and calendars, the biggest mystery itself is life and death.  And one of my greatest teachers  reminds me daily to be here and now. Beyond  the plane of number, mind and will is the plane of unity.  And my 3 year old daughter Lara Kin 186 teaches me daily to enter this plane again.

In lak ech Galactic Agent Jannis 9.7 Kin 189 Vg. 9.9 (3x7x9) TFI 1383 Vg. 3.9.3

Wavespell/Dreamspell flowchart around Tzolkin plates. Starting upper left 1.Imix

...................................................The Artist and the Art he makes is one......................................................
To work with the synchronometers of the Law of Time certainly includes for me working with this matrix, as it is part of my life. Part of my lifestory happening back in 1999 in Australia. But as "I" am a part of this human species habitating this planet, I feel that this is also a evolutionary program. More and more I have the feeling that this matrix is dirctly from SiriusB and the underlying base matrix on the above mentioned 9 one, which the 441 is actualy derived from. Could it be that this is all written already, that what I call me and my live in this 3rd dimensioanl reality is based on higher dimensional codes and through the use of the dreamspell and other LoT tools they get visible. This has to be expirienced, this is telepathic, synchronic, noospheric breaking trough the "Matrix". The more the codes are unlocked, the more a fractaly perfect picture gets visible. The codes are locked in the structure of the Matrix and the dates in relation to the artist/terton:
- 9:17::13:13
- 13 Moon Date 13.14
- Dreamspell Sign 18.4 Self Existing Mirror 19th Wavespell of the Eagle "Power of Vision"
- Red Rythmic Moon Year 9.6 Kin 149 12th Wavespell of the Seed (Telektonon Revelation)
-10.07.1999 Gregorian calendar code

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::9:17:::::::::Solar Earth:::::::::71:9 ::::::::::::::::791 :: Kin 197::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Half a solar year 182 days x 2 Times + 2 x 260 Tzolkin Plates. 364+520=884
884 is 17 (navigation) times 52 (Sirius Beta Code)
Again one earth year is one Sirius B week. The Sirius star system with it`s stars Sirius A,B,C and the unvisible 4th dark star is one of our higher dimensional planes. Being in a higher dimension right here and now and at the same "time" out there in the universe visible through hightec telescopes.
The same information expressed by a spiritual artist you may find here:
On a 3 dimensional level there is also evidence of contact from this star system as Robert Temple describes in his Bestseller "The Sirius Mystery". A contact that influenced humanity and evolution as it brought certain knowledge to this planet.
But back to the numbers....take the whole matrix:
884 = 17 x 52 At the last 2 days of the 9th 52 circle the closing of the Long Count happens from to or 21.12.2012 (European writing) and 12.21.2012 (US)
Take the earth year matrix:
364 = 7 x 52 At the last two days of the 4th 52 circle the closing of the Circle happens..........
So we get the code 4:7::364:884
884 written in mayan vigesimal system is 2.2.4 while the decimal number 3364 is vigesimal 8.8.4 (8x400+8x20+4)
What is the meaning of 33 and 64 ? Let`s look into the 441 dictionary of number:

33 "5th order of seven"
3x11, The Initiate, Initiatic, mystical attainment, (highest order of freemasonry, Number of Jesus) all- seeing eye atop the pyramid, all numbers with 33 factor indicate initiatic power, vigesimal code 1.13 (Kin 113 Solar Skywalker, Quetzalcoatl)
64 "10th order of seven"
8x8, eight octave, 4x16, 2x32, crystal frequency doubled, mathematical code of DNA-64 codons code of life, Seventh binary order (1,2,4,8,16,32,64) Sum of prime recombinants, 27+37, ......and more

3364 is vigesimal 8.8.4 while 33x64 = 2112
The mystical initiation of the world DNA will happen on 21.12.....

When the 884 completes on Spectral 26, Yellow Cosmic Seed, 4.13 (27th May 2013) it is the entrance into the Blue Western House of Magic. With the 9th Maldekian serpent Wavespell Kin 105 , Nah Chan, House of the Serpent, Palenque, it is exactly 4 Ws and 8 Days or 60 Kin (P.V. sign) until 4.8 Galactic (Seed) Syncronization of Timeship Earth 2013
(26th July 2013)

Certainly all the other magic counts brought to planet earth by Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan continue symoultainiously and flow into this one day of a New Heaven on Earth. The sixth sun. Dawn of Homo Noosphericus.

:::::::::::::::::::::::13.14 ::::::::::::::::::::::182::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::4131::::::::::::::::::::::::::117::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Valum Votan had the initiatic dream of the 441 matrix on Kin 117 Resonant Moon Day1 or 7.1 greg. 10th Jan. 2007 which was a Red Magnetic Moon year.
Kin 117 (13x9) Cosmic Earth is the last Kin of the Maldekian Serpent Wavespell carrying the lost chord and knowledge of the destroyed planet Maldek (now the asteroid belt) and highlighted as- one of many ends- circles finishing in the 884+13 matrix.
If you open the "Book of the Cube" from the Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. 7 on page 117 you will find a graphic called Valum Votan`s Galactic Navigator Frequency Crystal. Which---- is---- the number 4131.
4131 is 17x 243 or 17 x (27x9) or power of navigation x power of Blue Solar Night 3.9 Kin 243 or Valum Votan code x Navigation.
If you mirror the number 4131 you get 1314
13 is 2 x 6 1/2
14 is 2 x 7
From the day I finished the matrix on 13.14 Red Rythmic Moon year (10.07.1999) to the dream VV had on 7.1 Red Magnetic Moon year (10.01.2007) it is 7 years and 6 1/2 Moons.
Cosmic Moon 14 (1999) to Cosmic Moon 14 (2006) 7 years
Cosmic Moon 14 (2006) to Resonant Moon1 (2007) 6 1/2 Moons

The antipodal/challenge Kin of 9.7 Red Resonant Moon, my mayan sign, is 19.7 Blue Resonant Storm, Kin 59. At the same time, the last year into which the 21.12 "event" falls is coded by Resonant Storm. This 13 Moon new year day falls into the first 442 plate middle -top. The whole Skywalker Wavespell is highly loaded with important Kins from the date of the Harmonic Convergence Kin 55,56 to Lunar Wizard 54, and 3 Signs of the tomb of Pacal Votan 57,58,60 to name the most significant ones.
19 "over all" and the power of 7 is also coded into my birthdate 03.03.1975
What will this year bring for me? What transformation process will occur if I am in tune with the 4th dimension, the earth, the sun and the high command station SiriusB.

I never met Jose personaly, and he`s the only one who immediatly would understand the meaning of the 442 Matrix. The only "contact" I once had was after I had finished a painting on the Day out of time Resonant Mirror 2000. I made a mandala with Hunab Ku in the middle, sourounded by symbols of the main religions and those one from the Vedas/Bhuddism. Radiating from small to big are circles and squares into a Rainbow in which the 20 Mayan Glyphs are depicted. Down below is a white mountain landscape with a shape of a skull, symbolizing the emptiness of non created time and space.
I was pretty amazed when I had finished this painting and then afterwards heard that there was something like a Rainbow Bridge Maditation.
I made a photo of it and sent it to Jose with a short explanation, which he responded and thanked me with a
- I don´t remember - letter or postcard. Unfortunately this got lost later.

Resonant Mirror 18.7 Day out of time 2000 ::: 13 Solar rounds prior to::: Resonant Night 3.7 Day out of time 2013
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Both occult Kins from each other::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Valum Votan:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Jose Arguelles an art teacher, family father, world traveller, mayan scientist transformed during his life into the full galactic being of Valum Votan. He decoded the mayan glyphs and the tomb of Pacal Votan, presented to the world the 13 Moon 28 Day calendar and the date of 21.12.2012. He left behind a vast cosmic "time" knowledge written into about 15 books and the Law of Time foundation.

What is the meaning of Valum Votan?
Kin 243, Blue Solar Night 3.9 , Heart of Nine , 3×9=27, in The ancient meaning Valum = 9, while Votan is the earliest variant name of akbal night glyph 3, in some Mayan tribes still today the Akbal Night glyph is called Votan. More information about Votan, Moses and Quetzalcoatl you may find here.
I knew that Jose was honoured by 9 indigenous elders in a big ceremony atop the pyramid of the sun in Theotihuacan as the "Closer of the cycle" on galactic syncronization::::::Kin 164:::::: greg. 03.03.2002.

And that this was happening on my 27th (Heart of Nine) solar birthday. But I fell nearly from my chair when I calculated the days between when I had visited those amazing- not from this world- pyramids and the ceremony for Jose was held.
It was exactly::::::: 442:::::::: days prior to this ceremony!

Witness of the 3:9::27 Mystery
On my 27 th "heart of nine" birthday Valum Votan (((((3:9)))))) was honoured by nine indiginous elders.....on top of the pyramid of the sun Teotihuacan.
Which was greg. 03.03 (9) 20::02 and Kin 164 Galactic Synchromization ((((((4:8)))))))
While I myself was standing on this pyramid on Kin 242  Galactic Wind ((((((2:8))))))
78 (tonal sum of tomb of P.V.) Kin`s apart from each other in the TzolKin
exactly 442 days prior to Jose greg. TIMEline. (16.12.2000)
22 Days later I visited Palenque the Nah Chan temple on Kin 4   ((((((4:4)))))))

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Resonant Earth 17.7 Kin 137 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
--------------------------The crystal core of planet earth and understanding the flow of time. ---------------------------------------

"The human has been entrusted with a great power- the potential to become god-like. Each human was granted a body to expirience the phenomenal world and a mind to expirience the imaginal world. The phenomenal world is created from the imaginal world" Book of the Mystery : Time and Art: Art as the expression of the Absolute. p.9

After the whole trip 1998-2000 : Realizing the flow of time: And finding the entrance to MiddleTime.
4 greg. time lines
2 13 Moon Wavespells
1 Source of Movement and Measure

Wavespells Worldbridger, Serpent, Earth, Night creating a "REALITY SANDWICH" for 9.7........ :-) ..........

...the story continues at the right time